Kevin and his infamous grilled chicken.
Today was one of those days. One of those that just keeps running off into the ditch! We planned to go swimming. After we all 3 got ready (suits, sunscreen, hats, toys), parked at Shaw Park, and walked to the pool, I realized ---UGH--I hadn't renewed our pool membership and double UGH you can't renew them at the pool you have to go to the Center of Clayton and TRIPLE UGH, I couldn't just pay for a day of swimming because they only accept cash and I only had my debit card!!! The girls had ballet at 4 and backtracking from there to give us time for a little rest and a bath there was no way we could fit in walking back to the car, loading up, driving to the Center of Clayton, renewing our swimming pass, driving back to the park, unloading, walking back to the pool and swimming. We were 3 really bummed out girls. Ellie cried like crazy all the way home. Emma and I wanted to.
The fence which was supposed to be finished Friday is still not finished today. They are waiting on a part. Hopefully tomorrow.
We got home from ballet at 5:30 and put chicken on the grill right away hoping to eat quickly. We turned on the sprinkler for the girls and I sat down on the front porch to watch them run and play. Just as I was starting to relax Kevin yelled "oh man, the grill is smoking like crazy". He ran to the back of the house. I wasn't too concerned. Until he came back a few minutes later holding a bottle of starch. I bought the "eco friendly" variety which is in a spray bottle. When the grill flamed up Kevin ran inside and grabbed what he thought was a water bottle and started spraying down the grill---unknowingly with starch. The grill really started flaming up at that point and the chicken was history. Like I said one of those days!
It's bedtime around here and I just heard a chorus of three voices yell from upstairs
" Mamaaaa, come read to us".
AHHHHHH :) All's well that ends well! Here's to a different kind of day tomorrow!