I'm thankful that there are lots of smart people in the world committed to doing research. Sometimes all of this research and the recommendations that come with it seem to be too much, just overwhelming and not helpful. In the end though if you can sift through it or if you're lucky enough to know someone who has, you often find a better/safer/smarter way of doing things.
Today after wrangling with a screaming 19 month old to get her into her rear facing car seat, I decided enough! I was going to turn her seat around, the big girls were forward facing at a year and it was so much easier to get them into their seats. I sat in the car for a few minutes before leaving the parking lot, Lu had been really expressing herself throughout our very, very short trip to Target and the car seat episode was just icing on the cake. I needed a couple of minutes to decompress before being behind the wheel. While we sat there and sang "Wheels on the Bus" I googled "toddler in rear facing seat" just to see what I'd find. I proceeded to read this NY Times article. It was exactly what I needed to read and I will not be turning that baby girl around any time soon. I'll need to be creative, stay calm and expect some screaming but I don't care. This is just one of the many times in her life when I'll have to say "no, I love you too much to do it your way".
One of the girls snapped these pictures of Lucy last night after dinner. She did eventually make it onto the table with the Easter decorations. You see what I'm dealing with? Determined, this one.
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