Christmas break has started and we are loving having time off together!
So far we've.....
Built a house on the couch, after they arrived in the living room on their horses (dining room chairs make the best horses!).
Made cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning.
Enjoyed a holiday program at the symphony, complete with Santa and a sing along.
Bundled up and searched for ice in the backyard!
Baked cookies...
and more cookies.
Read lots of Christmas stories, listened to Christmas music until we've heard every song at least 50 times, eaten too many of those Christmas cookies, discovered the silliness of Santa Clause 3, which prompted us to purchase the Santa Clause box set, which means that after I finish this, we'll be watching Santa Clause 2 ...we're watching them backwards. I love Christmas break!
A wonderful family movie night was made complete with an introduction by Emma (using a paintbrush as a microphone) squeals of laughter from both girls and lots of nail biting and hiding of eyes by Emma.
We began the morning with our annual Teddy Bear Tea. Another fantastic year full of treats, face painting, singing, Santa, stories and best of all, time together.
We made the annual (excluding last year when we had no room for a tree) trip to Ted Drewes and chose our tree today!!!
Emma found our tree within moments of getting to the lot. We bought it, got a couple of custards, tied the tree to the roof of the van and were on our way to decorating!
We were amazed at how quickly and easily the tree went up this year! We soon realized that with 3 adults (Christy was over ---YEA!) and no babies or even toddlers, and sadly no tree crazy dog, decorating a tree is pretty easy, and really fun!