Monday, July 26, 2010

4 and another lesson learned

Again the weekend flew by with intentions of baby belly documentation but oops! it didn't happen until tonight!  Oh well, late is better than never, could this be a sign?!  We had an ultrasound this afternoon and it was impossible for any of us to tell much about what this baby girl will look like! She is head down facing my back so we didn't get to see her face, we did see that she has hair---but what color?!   She is in a tight little ball which made it really hard for us (save the technician) to make out anything in the blurry picture.   We were having the ultrasound to get a weight estimate.  Both Emma and Ellie were pretty big babies and were induced a week early.  My doctor wanted to see how large this baby is.   According to the estimate (we were warned by the ultrasound technician that this could be more than a pound off) she is 6 pounds 7 ounces.  This means that if I carried her to term she would only be about 8 and a half pounds---our smallest girl yet.   I've felt a mixture of things this afternoon, from elated at the thought of delivering a smaller baby,  to concerned about why she is a smaller baby...because Lord knows I'm not a smaller mama!,  to bummed because truthfully I was thinking this was week 3 :).  
At dinner tonight,  Emma suggested that after our prayers we each list something we're curious about, happy about, and want someone else to change---guess who she wants to change something?  When my turn came I totally surprised myself when I said I wanted to change something about myself, I want to enjoy every moment until we welcome our new baby.  I'm so excited that sometimes I forget to just be in this moment with these precious people that I live with.  So, my elation, concern, and disappointment have subsided and become a wonderful relief that I don't have to have the answers, it will be what it is when it is and all the while I'll enjoy the moments until she arrives and we become 5.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Has it really come to this?

Today at Target, just as we began our shopping trip, Ellie stepped on the back of my comfy, kind of cute flip flop.  Unaware, I continued to walk and my comfy, kind of cute flip flop ripped apart.  I picked up my shoe, looked at the girls and we all three erupted in laughter.  After composing ourselves, we shuffled over to the shoe department in search of the cheapest pair of shoes available.  I saw no reason in really looking much, as fate would have it I've just put in an order with my friend Holly for some really cute flip flops that her friend makes.  While I refuse to buy any more maternity clothing for my ever expanding body, even if it means I may be wearing the same outfit over and over and over, I will buy a pair of flip flops because hey, I'll still be wearing those after this baby arrives!   Anyway, back to the Target shoe department,  I rummaged through the $2.50 flip flops and found this sleek pair of 7/8s, pulled off the tags and continued on.  We completed our shopping trip, I paid for the shoes and about a million other things and away we went.  Once home I realized these shoes felt a little large.  I stared at them---something wasn't right.  Then it hit me, I'd purchased a men's 7/8.  This  really wouldn't have been that odd if I'd purchased them, not worn them but brought them home, only to discover that "gee, these look really big" but I WORE them throughout the store and all the way home, never realizing that I have a full inch and a half of empty shoe behind my heel.  Seriously, I'm not running on a full tank.


The weekend went by too fast and we just took our picture this morning.  So this is 5 weeks minus 2 days!  

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Measuring up...

We have a book that suggests what fun it is for kids to measure their expectant mother's tummy and then see how they measure up.  We gave it a try.  GASP!!!!   I currently have a 43 inch waist---well, it's not really a waist, it's more of a mid-section.  I am now as round as Ellie is tall!  Wonder if I'll surpass Emma in the next few weeks!  Oh my.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


We accomplished a lot this week!  Newborn clothes are washed, folded and put away.  Various baby items which were not saved due to our year of squashed living were repurchased.  Several were ordered, so now we have packages to wait for!  We even bought baby soap, lotion and itty bitty diapers.  Getting ready for a new baby is so much fun!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sorry about that.....

Our  neighbors just moved into their beautiful new home and I had to go and do this today......
Their kitchen window looks right out into our yard.  I'm sorry, I'd have avoided it if I could have but I decided today was the day to wash the baby clothes.  After being packed away for such a long time everything smelled gross!   I was so excited to have them smelling fresh and Drefty but when they came out of the dryer they were still pretty funky.  So, I put them outside in the sun (my mom always recommends this for my laundry troubles....I highly doubt she ever envisioned this though) and I am now rewashing every load.  Guess what, they smell perfectly Drefty!

Thank goodness my kids are so awesome because what I thought would take a couple of hours has taken all day, and I'm still not finished.  When they weren't helping me drape clothes all over the yard they were building things.  Can you guess what all of these are?

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 4th weekend


Such a great 4th of July weekend!  We started our celebrating on Friday.  The girls went to my mom's so Kevin and I spent the day together celebrating our anniversary.  What a wonderful day we had!  Nothing too exciting,  in fact, terribly ordinary and everyday.  Out to eat, a little shopping, a stop at the library and the grocery store but we considered it to be a perfect day together.  Saturday brought a nice morning of projects around the house and then on to....Chuck E. Cheese.  Contrary to what Kevin and I feared, we actually had a really fun time.  We spent exactly an hour there!  That included using 30 tokens and eating pizza.  We all left happy and sane. Next stop, Toy Story 3,  what a great family movie!  On Sunday morning we participated in Gram and Grandpa's annual neighborhood parade and 4th of July celebration then swam and had fun at Gram's....we sure missed Grandpa Gordon, he's on his way up Mt. Kilimanjaro.  We ended the weekend with a family get together at Grandma and Grandpa Jim's.   

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Do you think we're getting silly excited?  Well, we are.  

These photos take planning.  Here we are in deep discussion about how many fingers each girl will hold up, even weeks are really much easier!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

10 Years!

Today we celebrate 10 years of marriage.  I can honestly say that they have been the most wonderful years and as contrived as it may sound I love Kevin more every single year.  It is so much fun being married to your best friend!