Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

3 weeks today! Plus, listen to your 4 year old not the weather report!

What a dreamy baby!

As we got ready for school Ellie kept telling me we shouldn't walk Emma to school, there were too many clouds and it was going to rain.  I told her we'd be fine, the radar said only a 10% chance of rain.  She was skeptical.  And for good reason!  On the way home we walked through a downpour, without an umbrella and got soaked!  Guess I better start listening to Ellie's weather predictions.  

Sunday, August 22, 2010

She makes everything better...

                                   even folding laundry!

You might try to tell me that she's not really smiling, that this is a reflex, that she's passing gas, but I don't care what you say a smile is a smile!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Uncle Blake

Who surprised us on Monday by flying in from Brazil? Uncle Blake!!! What a fabulous surprise! He has been such a huge help with the older girls. They are going to go into major Blake withdrawal when he departs on Saturday....come to think of it, so am I!
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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First day of school!

Today was the first day of school!  We now have a first grader and a last year of preschooler.  We are all beat tonight--glad it's a 3 day week.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Already 1 week old!

                                                              Lucy Adelaide Baum

What a baby!  We're all so in love with her.  Even though she's only been here for a week it's hard to imagine how we managed without her--everything feels just right.

Good thing God made babies so bendy!  It helps them take all the squeezes and kisses their big sisters give.
This is one proud sister!

So is this one!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


                           It's getting close!  My first thought every morning is  --is today the day?!

An unexpected visit!

What a wonderful surprise we had yesterday!  Ben was in St. Louis for a full 12 hours  and in that time he fit in a quick breakfast with us.  I think it was the highlight of Emma and Eliie's summer.  

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Sometimes waiting is the hardest thing

and sometimes it makes you sit back a little and enjoy.  Right now I'm loving....

this smile.  She lost her first upper tooth last week and it made me cry, she looks so grown up.  I love it though, that big open spot , she looks ready for first grade.

this goofy girl!  She insists that she has a loose tooth and she makes sure to wiggle it often.

- my clean house!
-my stocked refrigerator, and pantry.  We shouldn't need toilet paper for about a year.
-my clean car--will it stay clean???
-the sound on the other end of the phone every time I call someone, very expectant and anxious, and really sweet :)!
-the fact that Kevin is not able to sleep and says " I don't know what is wrong with me".  I distinctly remember this insomnia in the weeks before Emma and Ellie were born.

my girls love of the musical Annie.  They dance and sing to the music all day long.  When it's time to clean their room Emma shouts "And you'll stay up till this dump shines like the top of the Chrysler Building" and they both dance around cleaning (sort of cleaning) their room.  It makes everything more fun.

Monday, August 2, 2010


We meant to take the countdown picture on Saturday but somehow it turned into Monday at 6:00 and we haven't done it yet!  Plus, our handsome, incredibly awesome photographer has been really busy as of late.  He's been cleaning out the family van, installing and rearranging car seats, hanging curtains, putting together various baby furniture, keeping up with all of the yard work, running to Steak and Shake at odd hours to pick up cheeseburgers and milk shakes..you get the picture.  So, in lieu of our weekly countdown photo here's a shot of tonight's dessert...3 weeks left means dessert every night!  We're having zucchini cake with crunchy lemon glaze.  If you have an overabundance of zucchini like we do you might want to give it a try...it smells wonderful!  Here is where you can find the recipe- www.davidlebovitz.com..