Friday, September 21, 2012

Our week...

This week goes under the SUCCESS column!  Each week seems to be smoother than the last, as we get into our school routine.  The only bummer was that Kevin was in California all week. We're missing him like crazy and praying his flight is on time tonight!

After a week full of before and after school clubs, practices, lessons, a symphony concert and a block party we're whipped.  Ellie and Lucy snoozed until 7:50am and Emma had to be at school at 8...some of us ate breakfast in the van outside of the school, I'm just glad no one had to get dressed in there!

 Last night El slept with me, on these long travel weeks for Kevin, the girls each sleep with me one night.  As we were going to bed Eleanor said, "mom, you never fed us dinner".  Yikes!  Emma had a strange but easy request for biscuits as soon as she got home from Girls on the Run last night, we had 40 minutes at home between GOTR and soccer practice.  I'd intended to make tostadas but the biscuits threw me off, so we ate biscuits and honey and then left for soccer.  Em's buddy, who rode home with us last night, fell and got hurt at practice so we got ice cream cones on the way home, just to make things a little better.  So it seems I fed my kids biscuits and ice cream for dinner last night.  Awesome.  Which is probably why Lucy woke up at 4 this morning asking demanding milk.  And then of course got in bed with El and me, which meant in no time I was squeezed out of my own bed.  

In happy, happy news, someone put toilet paper on the toilet paper holder and it wasn't me!  When I went into the bathroom this morning this is the sight I saw.  A new roll of toilet paper on the holder.  Sure there's random toilet paper on the floor and the package of other rolls is just laying there but I'm not complaining!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Balloons, tomorrow?

The Forest Park Balloon Race was Saturday.  We usually make an effort to go to the park and enjoy the festivities.  We weren't able this year and were a little disappointed.  Until we had a deluge of balloons right over our house.  The girls along with lots of neighbors were so excited.  Many of the balloons were low and we were able to wave to the pilots.  Tonight while we were in the yard Lucy kept saying, "No balloons.  Tomorrow?".

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


                                                           Happy Birthday Emma!

An interview with Emma- Age 9

What is your favorite color? Purple, light purple
What is your favorite food? corn casserole, no hold on, hamburger hash
What would you do all day long if you were allowed? I think I would dance and read and write.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher
What is something that makes you happy? My friends and sisters, and mom and dad!
What are your favorite subjects? Reading and writing
What is your favorite book?  Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin

Emma is thoughtful, helpful, inquisitive, smart, and has incredible integrity.   This morning when she woke up she seemed older, I'm not kidding.  She's been so thankful today and has had such a lovely spirit of gratitude.   It's times like this that I'm reminded that we're raising an adult, that each day she's developing into the person that will someday leave our little home and venture out on her own amazing adventures.  I can say that today I feel powerfully aware that good things await this girl, that she will be a determined, kind, curious and strong, whatever the heck it is she wants to be!    I love you Emma Jospehine!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Nearly Nine.

Recently someone said to me that the transition to motherhood must have been easy for me, being an elementary school teacher.  Goodness, no.  I knew nine year olds not newborns.  I was so totally and completely unprepared.  But from the very first moment Emma was the perfect teacher.   Oh, the mistakes I've made ( make!).  The hopeless attempts, the derailed ideas, the misguided thoughts.  The strive to have all the answers, the futile attempts at perfection.  And there's my Emma loving me through it all.  And there's my God- through all the mess ups I've always believed that God knew what he was doing, even when I didn't.   I'm so thankful that 9 years ago He trusted Kevin and me to take care of and raise this beautiful child!  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Missing Borders

Yesterday we went to Michael's.  It is in the building that used to house Borders bookstore.   I'll admit, as happy as I am to have a craft store close I'd choose Borders over Michael's any day of the week.  As we parked Emma said "This is sad Eleanor, our kids will NEVER know this place as Borders, they'll never even know about Borders".  Michael's felt disorganized and a little too messy for us and we all left missing our Borders just a bit more.  Good thing we have access to great libraries and Amazon Prime :)!

Borders or not, the weekend was a lot of fun, the highlight being visiting with Uncle Blake and Jon.    The girls had a great time spending time with them.  We love you guys!