Friday, February 12, 2016


Daddy Daughter Dance 2012...Lucy was not invited

Tonight Lucy and Kevin are off to the Daddy Daughter Dance.  

I can't wait to hear about all the fun!  When I look at those two my heart just swells. 
 Lucy is just beyond excited about the weekend.  Today we saw Kung Fu Panda 3, tomorrow and Sunday she has birthday parties to attend and Valentine's Day!  5 year old perfection!  

Thursday, February 11, 2016


  I'd forgotten how powerful it can be to have one seemingly insignificant word rolling around in your head all day.  


Today I 

  wondered about what we think we when see the school bus labeled "School District of Clayton" and the school bus labeled "Normandy School District".  


 felt inspired by D. who even though I'd brought cupcakes and a craft, said, "won't you first read MY book".  For Christmas I gave him a book.  He brings it every time we meet and asks me to read it.  He's beginning to be able to read it on his own.  Today we made a label on the inside cover that read 
Property of: D.


listened to Emma explain why she chose one particular cause at her school over two other important causes.  The students are voting to give support to one agency.  She had strong, carefully thought out ideas.


was really touched by a story Eleanor  recounted about two boys in her class who made sure she was ok when a friend hurt her feelings.


chuckled when Lucy explained that she attended a pep rally at the high school and it was really loud.  I asked, what was the pep rally for and she responded "Love and Valentines, I guess".



Playing cards with your sister on a cold winter afternoon.   Building our voices one day at a time! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ash Wednesday

Today marks the beginning of the season of Lent.  I love Lent and have been looking forward to this time of reflection and quiet.  Like last year, I'm going to try to do photo a day  challenge.


It's snowing this afternoon.  Big, heavy, beautiful snowflakes!   
Lucy has been gathering them up and singing as she goes.  
No complaining about the cold.  No frustration about the white stuff.  
She's happy with exactly what the weather is giving her.    
When the sun shines she laughs at her shadow and is amazed at the sun's power to melt things!   When it rains she sticks out her tongue to catch a drink then jumps in puddles, hoping for a big splash. 
 Wind makes her hair fly and her belly giggle.  
Lucy understands joy.  
She never wastes time waiting for the weather to change.