We've traveled north for some time away this week.
The weather and the lake are perfect.
Seriously, perfect!
It's pretty hard not to feel relaxed here. Again, the weather. And the lake. They just beg you to STOP and play.

"All you need to need to do is deep breath in, slow breath out. You can do that, mom!" |
Morning yoga with Lucy is especially sweet. She's the best and so encouraging for those of us who find flexibility challenging.
There is a 1000 piece puzzle that is taking over the dining table...but who cares, we're eating outside because of the beautiful weather!
Summer Vacation* 2016 is off to a great start!
*Last year this article about a vacation vs. a
trip was published. I read it and laughed because, yes, I've mostly been on what the author considers trips not vacations for the last 13 years. So don't be fooled by the pictures and my commentary; if you were using the vacation vs. trip checklist this is definitely a trip! Oh, so much a trip! It's sprinkled with passive aggressive tweens and hanger and sweat and sunburn and the general mess of being 5 real people. But with the right eyes and a short memory I couldn't have a more peaceful, happy heart!