Today marks the beginning of the third week since we've been staying home because of the pandemic. I have a lot on my mind that I don't want to forget but today I have just a quick story to share that I think says a lot about our days.
Eleanor finished her school work late in the morning. I asked her how she felt about that and if she was frustrated with her new school situation. She said, "No, I'm fine. I'm actually not bored. I was more bored before all of this than I ever am now." I asked her if she'd tell me more. She explained that before she had to stay home she always had things she had to do, things that felt like they were weighing her down, and when she had a little bit of time--like 45 minutes, that felt like pressure too, like she had to come up with the perfect thing to do with that time, so it was hard to make a decision and she felt like she wasted the time, leaving her feeling bored."