Today marks day 2 of the 2020-21 school year. Like so many things that we've done over the last 5 months, if my 5 month ago self had a peek into yesterday or today I would have thought I'd lost my mind. Gone crazy. Needed an intervention. None of this is normal. Kids at desks in the hallway, multiple Zoom calls going at once, me homeschooling and starting a new part time job that takes me outside of our little remote school, plus Kevin working in the basement. Oh my goodness, this is bananas. But, life in a pandemic is bananas and when you realize that, well, everything is actually a ok!
Eleanor is now in high school! Classes are all virtual until at least the middle of October. As expected she's super organized and totally ready for the rigor of high school. She rarely complains and when she does (because honestly, there's a lot to complain about) it's not long before she's flipping the complaint around and figuring out how to make something positive out of the situation.
Emma is a junior this year and so ready to get back to work! She is taking three AP course, is a section editor of her school newspaper, and co-conductor of the student run musical. Things will be very different online but she's focused on making the best of it! Also, she's now driving and is such an incredible help to our family, running errands, including chauffeuring her sisters!

Lucy is in 4th grade at Family Homeschool! We are using Oak Meadow curriculum but I'm supplementing quite a lot using the curriculum from Clayton, which thankfully I have easy access to because the school I'm teaching at this year uses the same curriculum for math and literacy. In addition she is taking two dance classes and violin. Plus, she now has 3 animals! I know that we will have really hard days but the last two days have been amazing. In fact today was one of my favorite days in very long time. It included having Lucy read aloud to me under a fort, taking a long walk and taking pictures of trees so we can later try to identify their type, zipping through math because it's just review and boy doesn't that feel good to zip right through something, and reading aloud to Lucy on a blanket in the middle of Concordia Park, in a spot I've named our outdoor classroom, and Lucy thinks is so goofy but it also makes her smile great big like she knows I'm right :)!
And here I am all masked up in my classroom. Again, no way I would have thought this would be a thing 5 months ago. Back in a school and so, so, so happy! 5 minute commute, wonderful learning community where I get to teach literacy to 5th and 6th graders. Pinch me.
I know, I KNOW, there' s a pandemic! It's scary.
And yet, I still feel this way.
And Kevin! His work hasn't let up one bit so even though he's home working, he's not really home. Thankfully he has a spot away from the sometimes chaos of upstairs. He makes sure everyone has what they need and is always willing to take a bike ride, or a walk, or watch a show or movie. And honestly, right now, just having someone who will be with you in all of this unknown is such a gift.