Many parts of September feel ordinary.
We picked apples and made applesauce and are waiting for a crisp fall day to make an apple pie. It's coming, we can feel it!
We celebrated Emma's 17th birthday! And even with the pandemic she said it was one of her favorites. And I believe her! We ate great food all day long, and spent the day doing whatever Emma pleased. Which included lots of time to talk and walk and just hang out.
The balloons showed up in Forest Park just like they always do.
But there are lots of other reminders that this September is not at all like any of the others.
The balloons showed up but the people did not.
Our 17 year old attended her first college fair in our dining room on Zoom.
And apple picking with masks on makes apple eating pretty tricky.
We've had some pretty hard days. Being a child during a pandemic hurts. Being a parent during a pandemic hurts. It's just a whole lot of saying no, not right now, we'll have to wait and see, and let's keep praying. Praying that people will put the whole before the individual. Praying that we will care about one another. Praying that we'll keep seeing this as an opportunity to be the people we really want to be. And remember, it is still September!