Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First Floor Walls

We have first floor walls!  After a few days of setbacks (Friday too cold for the nail guns to work, Monday icy roads in the area the crew lives, resulting in a late start and one crew member not being able to come in) the first floor walls went up before the heavy rain started today.  Tomorrow looks very iffy at best due to cold temps but hopefully Thursday and Friday will be good days for us!
These will be the front windows.
The front door with side lights.

The North side of the house.  The front cutout is a window at the foot of the staircase.  The middle cutout is for the dining room windows.  The back is Kevin's office window. 

1 comment:

gossipgirl said...

it looks great! it also looks like fun in the mud!!! (good call on the hot chocolate melissa! kyra told me :) give my love to all
hugs and kisses