The painters put a primer coat on the walls yesterday. It looks so different, and really nice! We chose 4 colors for the entire house one of which is pink! We had a huge fan of color choices from Kim. Kevin also found a set of Craftsman Colors from Sherwin Williams- beautiful, bold colors that look like the bungalows we love, but they just don't fit us. We ended up choosing colors from Restoration Hardware. Blake and Ben have their place in LA painted in this collection and we love the colors. There are only a few colors to choose from at Restoration Hardware, the simpler and fewer the choices the happier Kevin and I are! We tried to find an exact match at Sherwin Williams but surprisingly we couldn't.

The pink bedroom was of course a hit. Lots of dancing and singing about the Pink Princess Room occurred.
The rain caused the completion of the siding to be delayed. This isn't a big deal since it is a small job and can happen at any time while other things are going on.
On Monday the flooring should begin. I'm really interested to see how that is done. The stairs will start on Tuesday or Wednesday. The flooring will take about 7 days to complete---barring no problems!
The couch which Ellie was so happily snoozing on in Monday's post is no longer residing with us. We sold it on Craigslist. The extremely excited new owner picked it up last night. After the door closed and the couch was gone Emma sobbed!!! She was so upset, "I LOVED that couch" she cried! We had no idea she was so attached! It's too big for our new living room and we tried to explain that we'd get a new one--"I LOVED that couch" was about all we could get from her. I promised to email the new owner and ask for a picture of where the couch is now. This helped a little.
1 comment:
Melissa, I love your anecdote about the couch. That is hilarious! Isn't it funny what they get attached to?
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