The stairs have been stained twice now. The color looks great! The backs and the rail will be painted white tomorrow.

The dining room looks beautiful! The painters are doing such a nice job.
We had a very busy and productive weekend. My dad and Kyra were here and helped us move a lot of things into the basement and the kitchen. Jessica, our babysitter (one of the great things about our apartment was meeting Jessica and Zoe, Wash. U students who lived across the hall from us last summer--terrific babysitters) watched the girls so we could actually get some moving accomplished! Of course the weather was less than perfect but it didn't slow us down. While we were there on Saturday the painters came, Brian the HVAC guy came, one of the plumbers stopped by and FINALLY I met our wonderful future neighbors the Pocius family!
The painters are hard at work this week. The trim and doors are finished as is the dining room and we think Emma and Ellie's room --we're not entirely sure since we can't use the stairs due to stain that was applied late this afternoon.
Bo, the concrete guy, came back today to fan out the driveway. We discovered this weekend that the non fanned driveway was not a good idea -we're not sure how this happened because the plans clearly show a fanned driveway. Due to the age of the neighborhood most driveways are one car length wide so many families park one car on the street. Since the street is one way it is super narrow especially with cars parked on the street. The non fanned driveway essentially meant that if someone was parked on the street directly across from our driveway ( and there usually is) we were pretty much stuck and going to be walking wherever we wanted to go....great for a day at the park, not so great when Kevin needs to get to the airport at 5 am!
It's not looking too good for grading this week, rain expected tomorrow and Thursday.
We hope to be wrapped up this week.
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