Here the cousins are taking advantage of some early jump time in the jump house. Emma, Ellie and Bella had a wonderful time together. They are all so excited and counting the days until the weekend of the 26th when we'll all be in Columbia together.

WOW, was about all I could say.

Thanks to my Dad we have these pictures! I didn't take a single one. Very cute to see these girls eating lunch, if you could only see the giant box (which we had 2 of) that this pizza came in! Thanks to Gordon for picking those things up.

Due to the wonderful support of all 6 grandparents the party was lots of fun. Everyone manned a station. Kyra made paper plate bluebirds.

Mom helped paint birdhouses.

We did have some non-grandparent help too! Lisa was once again the most wonderful dance instructor! On the non-grandparent help front, thanks Pocius Family for letting us use your driveway and your little table and chairs!

Grandma, Grandpa and Jake painted faces!
Dad guarded the jump house while Kevin and I rotated through all stations making sure there were no big catastrophes, because with 26 kids you never know what might happen. Gordon kept guard and was seen watching the jump house at the end. This was fantastic party and I'm so thankful for all of the help we had.
Saturday's Planting

The arrival of the plants.

Many wonderful volunteers, and Kevin hard at work!

Things quickly took shape.

The happy recipients and the hardworking crew!
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