Here they are, the two ladies who made this trip happen! Thanks Gram and Grandma, we had a super trip!
Traveling in style from Midway to the hotel! A refrigerator full of sprite and water, riding sideways and backwards, what an experience!
So we ate lunch at restaurant on Michigan Avenue. Can you tell we were cold, a round of hot drinks for all!
Emma's Kit made the trip but was, well, how shall we say this, without clothes. Emma didn't want to carry her so she suggested Ellie should "get " to. Ellie refused as did I. Kit stayed in the coat check until Emma purchased a new outfit for her.
There were so many lovely displays to look at. It is really fun to look at all of the different dolls. Each American Girl is from a different era in time and there are wonderful displays for each doll.
This picture was taken right after the one above. Ellie was done and ready to head back to the hotel.
Ellie was determined to get a picture of Nora with her eyes open. So she held them open for the photo.
The cab ride back to The American Girl Place for dinner. Ellie decided that her new bunny slippers were the perfect shoe choice for a nice dinner out. Gram suggested she look in the mirror to make sure she looked ok. Ellie studied herself in the mirror and then said "Yea, I look goood".
Ellie and her bunny slippers literally drug Nora around the store while amused patrons stared on. This little girl is one of a kind.
We originally planned this trip in September but it was postponed when Ellie got sick. The trip was in celebration of Emma's sixth birthday. Emma explained this to the waitress and she got a candle in her dessert. Ellie now refers to this as when "Emma pretended it was her birthday".
1 comment:
”Hey, Ellie put some new bunny slipper shoes on, And suddenly everything is right,
She said, hey Gram, I put some new shoes on and "Yea, I look goood".” Well she'll gt no aruments from me.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
I feel like was a small bird tracking your adventures. I've got to believe that the limo ride was a pretty big deal - very fancy!
I really do think that that the Wikipedia, encyclopedia needs and example photo of Emma You have a couple of good candidates with the pretend birthday candle and the shot with Kit and her new cloths.
Thanks Melissa!
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