Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sorry about that.....

Our  neighbors just moved into their beautiful new home and I had to go and do this today......
Their kitchen window looks right out into our yard.  I'm sorry, I'd have avoided it if I could have but I decided today was the day to wash the baby clothes.  After being packed away for such a long time everything smelled gross!   I was so excited to have them smelling fresh and Drefty but when they came out of the dryer they were still pretty funky.  So, I put them outside in the sun (my mom always recommends this for my laundry troubles....I highly doubt she ever envisioned this though) and I am now rewashing every load.  Guess what, they smell perfectly Drefty!

Thank goodness my kids are so awesome because what I thought would take a couple of hours has taken all day, and I'm still not finished.  When they weren't helping me drape clothes all over the yard they were building things.  Can you guess what all of these are?


Grandpa...Bill said...

Three princesses, A dragon and A Horse

Melissa said...

Dad, these are those blocks you got them with the patterns to follow. They LOVE them!!! They call them origami blocks.