Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 1 of the Weissbluth Plan

We've resorted to a sleep plan, a plan other than our own failing one.  It's Dr. Weissbluth's, his book was recommended to us.  The multiple copies at the library are currently checked out (looks like there are a few other parents in St. Louis hoping for sleep) so we bought a Kindle copy for my phone.   We've agreed to try it for the next week.

Here is what we have to do:

- put Lucy down for 2 naps a day, work on putting her down at about the same time

-let her cry when we put down for her naps, up to 1 hour, without going in to check on her :(

-follow night time routine, put her down, let her cry...for as long as it takes

Day 1-
Nap 1-  Laid her down at 9:48, got her up at 10:58 after an hour of crying

Nap 2- Laid her down at 1:45, cried until 1:52, slept until 4:20 :)

We have a babysitter coming tonight so we're not going to let her cry...way to follow our plan!

We'll resume the plan tomorrow morning.

 I know, I know, exciting stuff!

                     In other news we visited the library today.  As you can see, everyone was delighted.

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