I've been thinking for the last couple of weeks about what I'd do to mark the Lenten season. I wanted to do something other than give up sweets --my default practice almost every year since 1992. Yes, it is a sacrifice (more so than I like to admit) but in the end I don't know that it ever really brings me anywhere in my relationship with God. While doing some reading about less traditional ways to observe Lent, I found an article about "cultivating a life of gratitude". The idea of focusing on the things around me for which I am thankful seems to me the perfect way to see God's hand in my daily life. For the next 40 days, I'm going to post daily about something I am thankful for. I imagine they'll range from expected to unusual, big to small.. but I know for sure they're all thanks to God.
The perfect way to begin is with our beautiful baby Lucy, who just so happens to be 7 months old today!
This is how she wakes up. Sweet and happy.
7 month stats:
Weight/Length- Unsure but she is growing.
Teeth- She has 2 pearly whites on the bottom.
Dimple- Still there.
Hair- Red but sparse!
Tricks- Sitting for a few moments, she is really getting the hang of it, just today she realized that if she slowly turns her head she doesn't fall over. And this one is hot off the press...she is able to get up on all fours. EEK!
Sorry for the blurry shot but I was about to pass out.
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