Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 4: Giving up meat

We gave up meat for Lent.    I had been saying we are eating a vegetarian diet but Kevin corrected me tonight and said we're eating "pescatarian"...sounds a little goofy to me.   I don't think of as big meat eaters (although my kids would happily spend their days devouring bacon and sausage) so the thought of giving up meat didn't seem like a big stretch.  It just requires more purposeful meal planning...which is one of my New Year's resolutions.  I'm thankful we're at least giving it a try.   I sat down last week and made a menu for the entire Lenten season.   We repeat every meal at least once.  So far we are loving it.
 Can't wait for this recipe to roll around again!

Spaghetti with the Fish

We got this recipe straight from Joey Fatone!   Must admit, it was a surprisingly cute show and helped pass the 30 minutes before Downton Abbey began.  The kids also watched the show with me, which helped sell them on trying it.  They ate it, we just separated some sauce out for them before adding the giardiniera.  Eleanor said she's never eaten fish so many days in a row in her life.  True.
Friday night Fish Fry.  Last night we went to St. Gabe's.  Guess what the girls had to drink?  Made me very sentimental about our days in South City, with our little city house and our two baby girls.  

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