Saturday, March 31, 2012

A weekend full

Lucy needed a little encouraging from Grandpa Jim and me to actually pick up the eggs! 

A full basket!

Relaxing on a park bench enjoying all their finds!

I'm thankful for our weekend.  So far it's been wonderful.  I'm thankful  Grandpa Bill came for a quick visit and helped me clean up the front yard, Christy came for a visit and took the girls for ice cream,  we were able to go to a fish fry with friends,  we were able to say yes (and totally shock and delight the girls) when at 7:00 last night they asked to go on a sleepover with some friends, we had perfect weather for our church Easter egg hunt, we got a quick visit with Grandpa Jim and Grandma, we had a picnic lunch at the park, everyone got to dance on time, clothes are on the clothesline, Kevin is fitting a run in and I'm next.... and it's just 2:00 with lots more fun headed our way.  So much to feel blessed by.

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