Sunday, November 18, 2012


I've written about it before but it's worth writing about again, I'm so thankful that I am surrounded by people who make me laugh many times each day.  Yesterday, Eleanor bought a book about hair, it includes all kinds of fancy hair dos.  Emma and Eleanor had a great time trying out some new styles.  One particular style necessitated the use of 12 pony tail holders on one head of hair.  I do not exaggerate when I say that this particular style made Emma's lovely red hair looked like a cartoon picture of someone with her finger in light socket.  The rubber bands got stuck and snarled, and the more Emma pulled the worse it got.  Even though Emma was in borderline crisis mode we couldn't help (Emma included) but laugh until our bellies hurt over her crazy hair.  We did finally get all of those  rubber bands out, I'm thankful for that too!

Having a toddler in your house pretty much guarantees that you'll laugh a lot.  This girl makes sure we have lots of opportunities to smile.  

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