Friday, January 4, 2013


As fun as the holidays are January always feels like such a fresh breath.  It starts slowly and purposefully, with goals and high hopes.  Everyone trying hard to be their best person.

Last year I wrote 3 goals for myself-
1. Run a sub 2 hour half marathon (Achieved)
2. Do a better job of planning our meals and saving on our weekly grocery bill (semi-acheieved...the work goes on!)
3. Read a fun book a month (miserable failure)

I don't have any clear goals this year, they are all fairly vague and for now that feels ok.  My back is still in bad shape, and I'm in more pain than I'd hope to be by now.  I can't run.  Against doctor's orders I tried yesterday and it didn't go well.  So I'm walking, not loving it but at least I'm moving.  Seems silly to write a goal around running when I'm not exactly sure where this is leading.  My goal instead is something like, keep moving and stay positive.

As for a home goal I'll continue to try to decrease our grocery bill but that's not my overall goal.  Right now I'm thinking my goal is going to focus on providing as many learning opportunities as possible for my kids, and to be more deliberate about that.   Some of this just happens naturally but I feel like before Emma and Eleanor were in school I was much more purposeful.  I'm really excited about how this might shape up.  I have a lot of ideas!

Finally, as my personal goal I want to spend more time praying and reading my Bible.  This will take the most discipline....just like my goal to read a fun book a month.   I think the key here will to build it into my regular schedule.
I'm so thankful that I don't have to write a goal to have more fun, to live in the moment or spend more time with my family.  This is such a blessing.

I should probably take a cue from this girl and carry a book with me at all times just in case an extra 30 seconds pops up in my day.  She seizes every single moment.

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