Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Two and a half

This morning Lucy and I went to the Family Center and visited with our Parents As Teachers Educator, Jani.  We had a great trip.  The secretaries at the center were so excited to see Lucy and couldn't believe how much she'd grown since our last visit.  They've known Lucy since we were expecting her and once she arrived they helped me often  by holding her when I would come to drop off or pick up Eleanor from preschool.  It's fun to think back on those days but shesh they were exhausting.  The days of getting two little girls and a baby fed, dressed, and out the door by 8:20, dropping them off at two different schools, racing home to hopefully get the baby a morning nap (one which was not in the car) to turn around and leave by 11:30 to pick up Eleanor, to return home in time for lunch and fingers crossed, another nap for the baby, while entertaining a preschooler quietly as to not wake the sleeping baby, and to then load up the little ones for Emma's pick up by 3:25 were something else.   Makes these days feel like a vacation.  It's always fun to see Jani.  She knows our family well and has been our PAT educator since we moved to Clayton.  She remembers little details about the girls and notices so many things about Lucy.  Every time we see her she marvels at how independent Lucy is and reminds me what a fantastic trait this is.  I'm also reminded of things that I can let Lucy do... for instance zip her own coat, once I get it started.  We talked about potty training, something I'm inclined to wait to do until 3.   Lucy is very interested in the whole thing but I have my reservations.  Jani agreed that waiting makes sense, she told me why and gave me some handouts to read.  I trust her and the rest of the staff at The Family Center.  I'm so thankful for  all the smart, caring people we have in our lives.

Tonight we're having Greek wraps with white bean hummus.  I'll also make some roasted red potatoes.

Her most common phrase right now is, "Hey Momma, let me show you my tricks!".  And she has a lot of tricks.  A lot.  She also loves to wear Emma and Eleanor's clothes and tells us that they are "just perfect" on her.  We love this little goof ball so much!

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