She's been sucked into the Lightning Thief series by Rick Riordan. Since Sunday she's read the final 4 books in the series of 5. Am I ever thankful he stopped at 5, she's been a maniac getting through these things. It was very reminiscent of her obsession with the Magic Tree house series in kindergarten. Complete with finding her reading at 1am and then having a very sleepy girl on our hands in the morning.
Now she's waiting for the first book in Riordan's next series to come available at the library. Personally I've got my fingers crossed that the kid who currently has it loses it for a couple of weeks.
Meanwhile she's sharing all of her new found knowledge and talking about nothing but Greek gods. Which is something I know very little about so I'm enjoying it. She told me this afternoon that I remind her of Hestia, the goddess of the hearth. El has a friend over this afternoon and when they all sat down for a snack Emma starting quizzing the girls on their Greek mythology knowledge and laughing hysterically at her own Greek god jokes and the "funny" songs that she and a couple of her friends have written. I wish you could have seen the looks on Ellie and her friend's faces, sort of a blank, you've got to be kidding me face...absolutely priceless. Emma just kept on rolling though, I wonder which Greek god/goddess she reminds her herself of?
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