Saturday, December 21, 2013

Sometimes there's just a whole lot of laundry...

The stomach flu has been going around just about everyone we know.  It was inevitable really that it would hit us.  And it did.  Poor Emma got sick Thursday evening.  Oh, the timing! Her class had a pajama day and read in planned for Friday and she had plans to go to a friends after school to make cookies and spend the night.  My heart hurt for her to have to miss out on so much fun.  She was disappointed and even cried but as she often does she surprised me with her understanding and acceptance that things don't always go our way.

Yesterday was spent washing load after load of bedding and clothing and cleaning everything else, while praying that we could rid our house of those nasty germs and keep everyone else healthy.  This is become quite a regular routine around here.  In the last 4 week we've had head lice, strep throat, and now stomach flu.  Being a mom of three young of kids is so much fun but the laundry is a big job on a normal week, add illness and I'm telling you it's staggering!

While I won't rest easy for awhile, stomach flu has a way of keeping quiet for a few days and then striking again, today we are all well!  Which is a wonderful gift because our holiday celebrations begin this morning with our annual Teddy Bear Tea!

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