Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day

"It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will."
L.M. Montgomery

Since the beginning of 2014 Emma and Eleanor are averaging less than a 4 day school week. 

snow days-4
sick days-2
vacation days-2
teacher work days-2

Which means when the phone rang last night, letting me know that the doors to their school would be locked up tight today, I panicked a little.  I couldn't help but feel a little jump in my heart because I do love snow days but then I flashed back to earlier in the day when people were arguing and tired of being inside and in a generally bad mood.

The call came after the girls were already in bed.  I immediately grabbed my laptop and got to work.    I thought through the day and came up with some work that needed doing, some fun that we could have and a positive spin on the whole thing.  Nothing from Pinterest or even all that exciting.  Just a simple plan and a way to think through the day.


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