Thursday, October 15, 2015

My $45 Nap

 There is a theatre near our house which has reclining seats and a Coke Freestyle machine.  
Which means SODA! and a movie and comfy seats and makes it a complete treat in our minds.
 Lucy, Emma and I were excited to go this afternoon even if it was just to see Hotel Transylvania 2...and we hadn't even see 1.  
Emma carefully chose excellent seats for us, we collected our movie snacks and settled into those glorious reclining seats.  Lucy got out a fleece blanket she'd brought along and covered the two of us up, nice and cozy.  The movie began and I promptly fell asleep.  
An afternoon nap and two happy kids.  
This is what we call a win.    

Look at these kids!  This was in New York City in July of 2014 and they all look so little to me. I feel like we just returned from that trip.  But no, we are actually over a year beyond this place! And this school year seems to be traveling at warp speed!  It's already mid-October which means we had parent-teacher conferences this week.    I left each conference so grateful for my girls.  They are smart and strong and such very good people.  All three just the same and different in the same moment.  Blessings!

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