No surprise, I'm behind. I've been feeling incredibly grateful though, just haven't taken a moment to write! I'm at Telle Tire right now having my tire replaced because it keeps going flat. This week has been that way, a lot of little annoyances. Nothing huge just irritants. Today I'm thankful that I've kept each of these annoyances in check and they haven't done a thing to my happiness.
I'm certain it has something to do with this place and the fact that I start every Monday with my 6AM Core Group. Meeting at 6AM either makes perfect sense to you or sounds insane. I'm really grateful for a group of amazing ladies who think this makes good sense.
I am also certain my joy has a lot to do with this girl. In the last week she's cut her hair, changed her name, then changed it back again and been defiant more times than I can count. Sometimes it's hard to be 5. Sometimes it's hard to be 39. I'm so grateful that we get to be 5 and 39 together.
And these two! Oh my goodness. On Monday I told them I'd pick them up from school if it was raining. I looked outside around pick up time and it didn't seem to be raining.
I even sent her the above text, so there was no confusion about pick up vs. driving. They arrived home drenched!! They were laughing so hard and thought this was one of my ploys to have them work together and bond. It wasn't but I think it worked anyway! I'm so grateful to get to raise sisters!
On Monday night Eleanor had her first violin concert. She absolutely hates playing the violin. Hates as in she voluntarily went to a math review before school this morning so that she wouldn't have to go to violin lessons. I'm grateful that Eleanor is learning that she is able to do really hard, not fun things. I'm also glad there was a math review this morning so El could have a little break!
I'm grateful that we are a flexible family. In the rush to get Eleanor to that math review and Emma to school we forgot to feed Lucy. Ok, I forgot. We were almost to Lucy's school when she said "boy am I hungry!" EEK! Thankfully Lucy's school is near a Schnucks where there was plenty to make her happy and fill her tummy.
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