1.) This girl turned 6
and got her ears pierced, and lost two teeth and seems to have grown a foot. She is absolutely the cherry on top of this little life of mine.
2.) They started school
7th grade, 5th grade, kindergarten! These girls are all such good people and hard working students. Having been a classroom teacher I feel qualified to say...they are a teacher's dream!
3.) We haven't harvested much from the garden this summer.
Our garden looks nothing like this. I took this photo in Chicago a few weeks ago....I love gardens and find myself taking photos of those I wish I had! I like the look of a "working garden" not a garden that's just for show. Alas, this was not the summer of a plentiful working garden for us. And gosh it was about as far from a showy garden as you can get! We've let everything burn up and go to seed. It just ended up on the bottom of the list this summer and summer whizzed by so fast! Some day!
4.) The calendar! I take a look at the month, I back up to the week, then I close in on tomorrow. Trying so hard to just be present in the day because these are good, good days. But, wow.

5.) Blake was in St. Louis this weekend and we had such a great visit!! We hadn't been together since Spring Break which was entirely too long!
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