Monday, June 27, 2011

5 days wasn't long enough

kite flying
farmer's market
salsa making
bike riding
Grandpa's speech on the trail
Main Squeeze
running on the trail and through campus
the miracle of the splinter
ice cream man
Etsy market
International Cafe
backyard camp out
music making
urban farm
Sunday morning market
bead making
The Bear Restaurant
bunk beds
frozen yogurt
A few days in Columbia that felt just like vacation! 

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Scene 2: Circus Flora

Summer Fun = Circus Flora

It was just the big girls and me and what a great time we had!  The girls brought their purses and bought their own cotton candy.  They split it, amazing what spending your own money will do to your thriftiness! We've been to the circus every year since the girls were 1 and 3.  It's fun reminiscing about  each year.
Thanks for all of the love after yesterday's post!   Other women's wisdom is always a such a comfort! Funny thing though, today as I was reminiscing about the circus I came across this....
Can you say Groundhog's Day?  Look at the date.  I mean really, how long does it take me to learn?  Clearly, I do not like the first week off of school.  This is the main reason I blog.  With all the craziness that happens around here in a day, I'm lucky I remember my name and that I have 3 kids.  Years and years from now (or maybe just next year) I want to be able to relive these little but oh so important days.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

10 months and I'm grumpy

               Last Thursday Lucy turned 10 months!
Our happy, silly, sweet Lucy!

10 month stats:
Weight and Height- Unknown.  Fingers crossed no trips to the doctor until August so until then she'll go unmeasured!  
Eyes- Blue or green, depends on what she's wearing.
Hair- Red, no doubt about it.
Dimples- 1 on her cheek and 1 that sometimes shows up on her chin.  Seems one of my Great Aunts also had one sided facts from a family reunion! 
Favorites- Swinging outside on our swing set while her sisters do underdogs!  Reading, singing, climbing everything in sight.  Making a mess at every meal.  

In other news, I'm a terrible grump right now.  For the past week or so I've been letting little things bother me and forgetting that kids get to have a range of emotions too, that happy is not the only option.   I find that every once in a while I get worn down, that being the mommy, while it's my favorite role ever is exhausting work.  But a little extra rest, lots of prayer and maybe some time to do something by myself (I'm going to a PTO meeting tonight, seriously I know this is sad, but for an hour I get to just sit and NO ONE is going to need anything from me...except maybe for me to volunteer for something, and honestly, today is NOT the day to ask)  is generally just the cure I need.  Tomorrow will be a super day...a great start because grouchy is no way to spend a summer!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Scene 1

This moment
front porch
93 degrees
strawberry, banana shake made with our new favorite frozen yogurt--Trader Joe's non-fat plain (sounds underwhelming but TRY it!)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A chapter closed....

Eleanor's mornings at preschool are over.  Which means my cocoon like afternoons with her are too.  All year I savored these days.  Even especially the slow, meandering ones when we did a whole lot of nothing.  I have a little lump in my throat, oh these years, they pass far too quickly.   Old Debbie Downer takes a hike though as soon as Eleanor starts talking about kindergarten.  It's impossible not to be excited for her.  I remember thinking how big and grown up she seemed when she started preschool two years ago.   Today we sat down and carefully looked through her journal, comprised of work from the last two years.  I caught glimpses of that three year old.  But wow, how she's grown!  It makes me excited to see who this amazing little one will continue to grow into.  

Tubes and Sleep

School ends for Eleanor today and for Emma tomorrow.  I'm so excited!  I've been busy getting ready for the last week or so.  I feel like it's August and I'm getting ready for my new class.  

Last Friday Lucy got tubes.  It was uneventful -yea!  Broke our hearts to see her so upset when she woke up from the anesthesia. Though she recovered quickly and was smiling and zipping around all afternoon.  
On the upside of the tubes so far so good on ear infections AND she is now sleeping through the night!  She couldn't eat after midnight on her surgery date so that meant her 4 am snack was out.  She put up a bit of a fight but has adjusted and now snoozes right through.