Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Scene 2: Circus Flora

Summer Fun = Circus Flora

It was just the big girls and me and what a great time we had!  The girls brought their purses and bought their own cotton candy.  They split it, amazing what spending your own money will do to your thriftiness! We've been to the circus every year since the girls were 1 and 3.  It's fun reminiscing about  each year.
Thanks for all of the love after yesterday's post!   Other women's wisdom is always a such a comfort! Funny thing though, today as I was reminiscing about the circus I came across this....
Can you say Groundhog's Day?  Look at the date.  I mean really, how long does it take me to learn?  Clearly, I do not like the first week off of school.  This is the main reason I blog.  With all the craziness that happens around here in a day, I'm lucky I remember my name and that I have 3 kids.  Years and years from now (or maybe just next year) I want to be able to relive these little but oh so important days.

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