Lucy's been pretty resistant to napping since the girls have gone back to school. We're struggling over here! I will not give up, I know she needs one. Just now, as I rocked her before her nap, she sat up on my lap, smiled at me, pointed to her crib and shook her head no. I contained my laughter placed her back on my shoulder, and continued to rock. Again, she sat up, smiled, pointed at the crib and shook her head no. This girl has spunk.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
So happy together
Lucy is a bit lost without her sisters at home all day. Especially this one.
She's just not quite herself until
Sunday, August 28, 2011
I love....
that I live with readers. Readers of differing ability levels and interests but drop everything, can't wait another moment to get back to it readers all the same.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Honeycrisps were calling...
and we answered! We spent a fantastic morning with Grandma and Grandpa picking apples at Eckert's. We have apples coming out of our ears and lots and lots and lots of ideas for how to use them all up! I've already eaten 3 today....
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A new year
The Baum girls are back in school!
Dear Eleanor,
You are amazing. Walking quietly along next to you on our way to school was one of the most delightful moments of my year. As we waited on the kindergarten playground before school began I was so proud of you. Rather than become overwhelmed by the cameras, the children running, playing, crying, clinging, true to your nature you sat and observed all that was happening around you, not missing a detail. When it was time to line up you hugged me tightly and with more poise then many adults posses you walked into line and became a kindergartner.
I love you.
Dear Emma,
You are such a fabulous big sister. Watching you comfort and help your sister this morning reminded me of what a great kid you are. Second grade! Hard to believe and yet so perfect. This year you have your dream teacher....I did too in second grade and I still remember her with much love. I hope and pray the same will be true for you.
I love you!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
I'm part of a book club that meets once a month to discuss one chapter of the book we're reading. It's non-fiction and each chapter can stand alone. Genius! I can commit to that. Last month the author, Barbara Brown Taylor, suggested what it would be to answer the question "where do you want to be in life" with "right here, since this is where I am". Clearly not all of life can be lived in such a simple way, plans must be made, goals set, items crossed off the list. But to be firmly grounded in what is today to embrace that beauty, I've come to believe that is where the joy in life lies.
8.9.11 came and our baby girl turned 1. What a gift she is, truly Heaven sent. Over the last year I've seen her sisters become caretakers, patient in ways I was unaware they were capable, loving and open, ready to help. Confident with their place in our family, aware of our need for each one. I've seen us all take a deep breath and "check out". Life continued on around us but rarely did we feel the pull of it's unnecessary buzz. A newborn baby can do that. I'm not sad that our baby is one. Oh, she's a fun one! Talking, pointing, rolling merrily along. My prayer is not to keep her little bitty, it's to keep us all "right here" embracing the now, focusing on the real life that is all around us.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Summer Scene 5: Wowzers!
It's the end of summer and we're lazy, lazy. Judging by our t.v. habits over the last few days you'd think we were junkies. The girls are obsessed with the Inspector Gadget cartoon, streaming nonstop from Netflix. I guess I could worry, think they're watching too much. I'm not. I'm all for playing outside, reading, writing, using your imagination, being bored, getting unstuck and creating your summer away. But truth be told I'm also all for relaxing and being lazy for a a few days! While the girls are getting their fill of Gadget, Lucy and I are listening to The Hunger Games on Audible and perfecting her block destroying, and stair climbing. Here's to a Go-Go Gadget summer!
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Yikes! I think they've just entered into a t.v. coma! |
Monday, August 1, 2011
Travelogue: Chicago Summer 2011
Fast forward thirty seconds....
train's gone
left at 6:40
no such thing as 7:05 train
must wait until 3:00pm
Dad's MAD (at himself)
kids are crying
Mom has to act fast!
Fast forward thirty minutes....
tears are dried
negotiating is done
in the van
on the way
to Chicago
we'll be there soon!
The train didn't work out but the trip was a smashing success.
On Saturday we took a double decker bus tour of the city. It was very fun, except when we got off at Navy Pier. We will never, not ever, do that again. |
Lucy was a fabulous travel companion. If you look very hard you can see her crib in the background. It's in the bathroom. There were two bathrooms in the hotel room and we used one as Lulu's bedroom. She fell asleep at 7 each night, so we turned on some white noise in the bathroom and she slept like a log. Plus the kids could laugh like crazy at silly movies and not wake the baby! |
Of course asleep by 7 means up really early...especially for vacation. Kevin and Lucy enjoyed early morning runs on our trip! |
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