Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A new year

The Baum girls are back in school!  

Dear Eleanor,
You are amazing.  Walking quietly along next to you on our way to school was one of the most delightful moments of my year.  As we waited on the kindergarten playground before school began I was so proud of you.   Rather than become overwhelmed by the cameras, the children running, playing, crying, clinging, true to your nature you sat and observed all that was happening around you, not missing a detail. When it was time to line up you hugged me tightly and with more poise then many adults posses you walked into line and became a kindergartner. 
I love you.

                   Dear Emma,
You are such a fabulous big sister.  Watching you comfort and help your sister this morning reminded me of what a great kid you are.  Second grade!  Hard to believe and yet so perfect.  This year you have your dream teacher....I did too in second grade and I still remember her with much love.  I hope and pray the same will be true for you.
                                                                   I love you!

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