We've been looking forward to our Chicago getaway since late May. Top billing was given to the train ride to and from Chicago. Oh the fun to be had, UNO, the snack car, watching the landscape blur by. Perfect! With giddy smiles, and tapping feet we showed up to the train station on Friday at 6:50am for our 7:05am departure.
Fast forward thirty seconds....
train's gone
left at 6:40
no such thing as 7:05 train
must wait until 3:00pm
Dad's MAD (at himself)
kids are crying
Mom has to act fast!
Fast forward thirty minutes....
tears are dried
negotiating is done
in the van
on the way
to Chicago
we'll be there soon!
The train didn't work out but the trip was a smashing success.
We ate a late lunch/early dinner at XOCO , which Kevin has been talking about for months. I now understand why. It is incredibly tasty. Rarely do I think "I must know how to make this" but I really must know how to make their ahogada sauce (never even heard of the stuff before). Here we are slurping cold mexican chocolate mint drinks as we walked back to the hotel. Love, love, love that memory! And yes, Ellie is a little big to be riding around town in a stroller! |
On Saturday we took a double decker bus tour of the city. It was very fun, except when we got off at Navy Pier. We will never, not ever, do that again. |
After the bus tour we shopped till we dropped on Michigan Avenue. Here are two very sleepy girls riding the elevator to our room. Once there we rented Yogi Bear, which made the girls laugh so hard I thought they'd pee their pants! |
Lucy was a fabulous travel companion. If you look very hard you can see her crib in the background. It's in the bathroom. There were two bathrooms in the hotel room and we used one as Lulu's bedroom. She fell asleep at 7 each night, so we turned on some white noise in the bathroom and she slept like a log. Plus the kids could laugh like crazy at silly movies and not wake the baby! |
Of course asleep by 7 means up really early...especially for vacation. Kevin and Lucy enjoyed early morning runs on our trip! |
On Sunday we went to the aquarium, which is really amazing. Then we ate our weight in Garrett's popcorn. And probably against our better judgement (but hey! we had the van) went to Ikea on the way out of town.
It was a quick trip but one none of us will soon forget!
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