Tuesday, March 31, 2015


While I've not kept up with actually finding photos for the rethink Lent photo a day project,  I've still enjoyed it.  Those daily words have been a great way for me to focus in and think about my world.  Every morning I receive a reminder about the word of the day along with a bit of writing to kickstart my thinking.   Sometimes those emails spoke right to me and sometimes they were lovely words but my heart was moved in another direction.  Today's word is call.  Today's writing seems etched on my heart.....

True vocation joins self and service, as Frederick Buechner asserts when he defines vocation as “the place where your deep gladness meets the world's deep need.”

Reading that makes me weak in the knees 

I was meant to be a teacher. I love it.  Helping kids is my call and it is such a privilege.   Above all else being an excellent teacher means having the trust and love of your students.  Sure there are other key strengths needed but it all hinges on trust and love.  The only way I know how to do that is to first earn trust and give love to every child I interact with. Do you know how much fun that is?  Right now my call has taken me to one of the hardest spots I've ever been and it is truly the place my deep gladness meets the world's deep need.  

I was also meant to be mom to three amazing girls.


I will never do a more important job than raising them.  Nothing.  The world needs me to raise these girls well.  To fill them up with love and strength and faith enough to kick some butt out there.  And by that I mean do whatever it is they find themselves called to do and to do it well.   I'm expecting amazing things.  
Just  this afternoon I found myself at the park with a 4 year old puking all over me.  All. Over.  From my sweater to my shoes.  I had to drive home with my head out the window as to avoid breathing in too much of the smell and gagging.  These are the kinds of things moms do.  They hold you close and pat your back while you're puking up lunch.  They tell you everything is ok even though they have no Earthly idea of how to get you home without getting vomit everywhere.   That's just how it works. This afternoon as I was sloshing back to the car and getting our poor sick girl buckled in I thought, this is so horrible but I'm so thankful I'm the one who is here.  And amazing things are coming, right?   Knowing our call doesn't make the job easy but it sure makes the heart full.

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