Friday, March 27, 2015


How can it be?  Spring Break is coming to a close. 

A few highlights:

A trip to the Compassion Project Exhibit was a good way to start the break.  I've thought back to what we experienced many times over the last couple of weeks.  We take so much of our daily lives for granted. 

We had a quick visit with some great aunts!

We had a wonderful trip to Chicago!

My 39th birthday was a HUGE success!
Three of my dinner dates.  Love!!!

We then enjoyed a trip to Columbia and wrapped up the girls' week off with a weekend at home.  

Then, after all that fun I had another break!  
My school had spring break this week and so I- 

had multiple coffee dates
got a massage
volunteered at the girls' school
went to Target 
cleaned a lot
 did a lot of laundry
and baked!

And then today while it was still dark and snowy outside Lucy and I  nervously went to the hospital for a small surgical procedure for Lucy.   One of her ear tubes was stuck and it had to be removed.  Which meant anesthesia and a little ouchie.   She was a champ and the nurses were in love with her.

In other amazing medical news MY UNCLE BEN.  He's pretty amazing.  Last week he had a heart attack.   He had quintuple bypass surgery a week ago tomorrow and he's already recovering like a champ.  He's one of my favorite people and I'm so thankful for his recovery.  

What a reminder to get your cholesterol checked and think about cutting back on meat and other animal products.  Plus exercise! And maybe even watch Forks over Knives while you're at it.

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