Monday, September 14, 2015

Regarding the 3:45 wake up....

Our day began with the alarm going off at the disturbingly early hour of 3:45AM.  
On purpose.  
 From that moment until 7:30AM  
a flat tire was discovered,
a quick solution for how Kevin was supposed to arrive in Iowa for an early morning meeting with said flat tire was found
  4 fast miles were run on the treadmill
a shower was had and clothes were thrown on
 a 6AM CoreGroup meeting was attended
the kids were fed breakfast(ok, ok so I just handed them bagels purchased at Panera while at CoreGroup) 
and 2/3 of the kids were dropped off at school.  

And now it's 6:30PM and dinner has been served and cleaned up. One child is at soccer practice while I wait to take another to volleyball to then pick up the first one at soccer so that I can then pick the other up from volleyball to return home by 8:30 so that I can then enthusiastically GO TO BED!  And start all over in the morning when my alarm will most decidedly NOT be set to go off at 3:45 AM.  

Thank goodness for iced water and coffee!  

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