The school year is off to a wonderful start and I'm so grateful. But, WOW! I feel like my head is barely bobbing above water. I still don't have a good handle on our schedule because it keeps shifting ever so slightly. Another practice here, an early morning drop off there. I feel like there is just not enough time but THANK GOD we don't have any more hours in a day because I can barely make it through the ones we have without collapsing. I'm bone tired but I know in a few weeks things will have settled and I'll just be regular tired. I'm looking forward to being regular tired.
So far in school....
Emma loves middle school! She was ready for the challenge of changing classes, multiple teachers, new friends, and more homework. She leaves our house at 7:40 every morning and walks to school. Every morning Eleanor and I stare at one another in amazement as Emma calmly walks out the door. We can't really believe the difference 3 months made.
Eleanor is enjoying 4th grade. Her teacher is a great fit and makes school challenging but fun. I think Eleanor is enjoying being on her own at school this year!
Lucy is adjusting. I think she likes school much more than she's telling me. The real problem is that she is still sleep deprived. We're working on it.
Last Sunday we had a terrific family birthday celebration for Lucy and Emma. We're busy but never too busy to celebrate...sometimes we just have to get creative and have a 2 for 1 party! Teddy, who turned 3 in August did not get celebrated. Sorry, buddy! |
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