Tuesday, November 30, 2010


 Emma has enjoyed a good joke for years.  She started with knock knock jokes, funny and cute...at first...pure torture beyond the first week.
 Here's her latest work
This party invitation was on my desk as a reminder to RSVP.  Kevin asked me, "Who is this Jim that invited Ellie to a party?"  "Jim??" I asked, glancing at my desk, "that invite is from Piper".  " It says Jim" he responded.  I looked at the invitation closely.  Emma had erased Piper and written Jim.  Punk'd by Emma!  Good thing she didn't see us doubled over laughing...we wouldn't want to encourage this type of behavior :).   Keep your eyes open around this girl, who knows what she'll do next.


Grandpa...Bill said...

Hmmm … reminds me of the time that someone took white out to my business cards and replaced the title “Senior” Engineer with “Old” Engineer and then put them in my wallet???? Like mother like daughter?

Melissa said...

Dad! I forgot all about this trickery! Ahh yes, she is my daughter!