Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Right here

Nearly a month and nary a post.  I've some catching up to do.  A lot of great tales to tell and memories to keep.  But for now I'll just post this


Lucy and I played on the kindergarten playground yesterday while Eleanor did a practice presentation run for the science fair.  This was our first visit to the playground in forever.   I haven't signed Lucy up yet for kindergarten (registration began February 1) and I generally avoid talking about it.  We still have a solid 5 months and I'm not going to rush things.  Sure, I need to register her.  Yes, there will be pre-kindergarten get togethers and lots of excitement as the day grows nearer and nearer.  And I will be joy filled and just as excited as anyone else.  But not quiet yet.  Right now, I'll just enjoy these lingering days when she's all ours and trust that when the day comes my heart will be ready.  I am faithful in my belief that when we give ourselves the time we need, we're ready for our next big steps.

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