Monday, August 2, 2010


We meant to take the countdown picture on Saturday but somehow it turned into Monday at 6:00 and we haven't done it yet!  Plus, our handsome, incredibly awesome photographer has been really busy as of late.  He's been cleaning out the family van, installing and rearranging car seats, hanging curtains, putting together various baby furniture, keeping up with all of the yard work, running to Steak and Shake at odd hours to pick up cheeseburgers and milk get the picture.  So, in lieu of our weekly countdown photo here's a shot of tonight's dessert...3 weeks left means dessert every night!  We're having zucchini cake with crunchy lemon glaze.  If you have an overabundance of zucchini like we do you might want to give it a smells wonderful!  Here is where you can find the recipe-

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