Friday, August 31, 2012

Rainy Friday

When you have a day off of school and it's pouring down rain, don't you just want to RUN to Grant's Farm?  
Well we did just that this morning and had such a fun time!  Aunt Meredith scheduled a private tour for Mike's parents visiting from Australia.  Clearly scheduled before the rain!  Here Meredith and Chris are modeling their oh so stylish rain ponchos, direct from the shelves of the gift shop!

 We toured this log captain which was built by Grant and has been moved 3 times.  I was only slightly terrified that Lucy would break something inside.  

Here's our jolly group and our awesome truck/bus.  The big girls were super excited that they served soda on board but then when they were offered one, they declined.  Always a mystery, those girls. 

We stopped along the way to feed all of the animals.  Here Eleanor is feeding a buffalo!

                                    Lucy enjoyed all of the animals, except the buffalos.

Lulu loved feeding the goats.  We stayed outside the fence.

Yay, for a fun, adventurous, and rainy morning!    We'd never had planned this if we'd known the weather forecast for today ....I'm so glad we didn't know! 

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