Wednesday, September 12, 2012


                                                           Happy Birthday Emma!

An interview with Emma- Age 9

What is your favorite color? Purple, light purple
What is your favorite food? corn casserole, no hold on, hamburger hash
What would you do all day long if you were allowed? I think I would dance and read and write.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher
What is something that makes you happy? My friends and sisters, and mom and dad!
What are your favorite subjects? Reading and writing
What is your favorite book?  Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin

Emma is thoughtful, helpful, inquisitive, smart, and has incredible integrity.   This morning when she woke up she seemed older, I'm not kidding.  She's been so thankful today and has had such a lovely spirit of gratitude.   It's times like this that I'm reminded that we're raising an adult, that each day she's developing into the person that will someday leave our little home and venture out on her own amazing adventures.  I can say that today I feel powerfully aware that good things await this girl, that she will be a determined, kind, curious and strong, whatever the heck it is she wants to be!    I love you Emma Jospehine!

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