Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is it the 27th already?

It is, which means I have 9 things to write about.  Yikes, don't have that much time, I'll see how far I can get before nap time ends!   I have not been so on top of this challenge this year!  Still enjoying it though.

Today I'm really thankful for the ordinariness of my days.  I wake up every day and am thankful to be exactly where I am doing exactly what I'm doing.   Not that it's always perfect, easy, fun, exciting, etc. but it is where I long to be.  In particular I'm thankful...

2.) that I get to walk my kids to school every day and pick them up every afternoon.
3.)  for the library!  We have such wonderful libraries in St. Louis.  Lucy and I love story time.  She's now hooked on dum dum lolly pops and sits down on the floor of the library and says "lolly" even when we're there and it's not story time. 
At the library working on her first bead necklace.   She was so excited to show Emma and Eleanor!
4.)for Forest Park and that we live so close.  After dropping the girls off at school Lulu and I often run in the park.  What a treat.  Lucy has lots to look at and when the going gets really tough there are swings to stop and swing in.  Yesterday I was so entertained by Lu's cute"tweet, tweet" and arms raised trying to catch the birdies.
We've already lost one shoe this spring when she threw it out of the stroller.  Barefoot running is more her style.

5.) our swing set.  We'd be at the park most of the time if it weren't for our swing set.  I like the park but it's nice to come home.  Lately, unless she's strapped into the swing, she's climbing two stories and sliding down the big slide by herself.  Of course there I am praying at the bottom.  When we went to the shoe store to buy her first pair of shoes, and she was barely able to toddle around but headed straight for the slide, barreling down and laughing all the way, the saleswoman asked me, is she your third or fourth?  I asked her how she knew and she said "she's much too brave and you're much too calm for her to be the first or second".  Ah, so true.
6.) our clothesline.  Our dryer is just under 3 years old and it is not working for the second time in its short life.  Last spring it had a $200 repair.   I've not called the repairman yet, I'm too irritated.  So, I'm doing what I really should have been doing considering this incredible weather, and I'm using our clothesline (purchased last year during the dryer outage).  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy using it.  It's not fast but it's simple and doesn't require any energy...other than my own!

I'm being paged! 

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