Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Eleanor and I attended a cooking class on Friday night called Peep-a-palooza.  Like the name suggests we "cooked" with peeps.  It was so much fun.  Spending one on one time with the older girls is a treat.  Every time I do I realize we need to do this more often.  Being one of three girls is very special but it has its struggles too.  I know getting special attention from mom or dad feels pretty good and is awfully important.

My favorite dish was the the little bo peep pizza (no peeps for this dish!), we used biscuits to make individual pizzas.  What a great, easy pizza idea!

The sunflower cake.

 Tonight I'm making a very, very easy dinner.  Mac and cheese, cantaloupe, veggie burgers (for Kevin and me) and chickenless chicken fingers ( for the girls).  A processed food smorgasbord!

1 comment:

Grandpa...Bill said...

Peeps are 60 years old today!