Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's always darkest...AKA Day 3

I'll just cut to the chase, this is miserable.  Miserable like you're running over hot coals with your shoes off.

 Last night Lucy cried from 6:45 until 11:00.  She took a 10 minute break every 45 minutes.  The really awesome part was the older girls couldn't sleep with all that screaming.  Fun times.

The rest of the night was pretty good with her only getting up twice to nurse between 11 and 7.

Nap 1- laid down at 9:20, slept until 9:40, cried until 10:40
Nap 2- laid down at 1:10 cried until 2:07
Thank God we had 6 grandparents here all afternoon.  It was a lifesaver, we are so lucky!

She went to bed at 5:30 she was so incredibly tired that she feel asleep after nursing for 3 minutes, she would not wake up, so I laid her down.   She woke up at 6:15, had to be hungry, so I  nursed her and put her back down at 6:30 she cried until 7:05....she is still asleep at 8:20.

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