Thursday, March 13, 2014

The big 2-0

I had the best run of my life this morning.   Everything just clicked.  The weather was amazing, sunny and between 35-45 the whole time.  I felt strong and healthy.  I wore the right clothes, not too hot, not too cold.  I drank enough and my goos and jelly beans did the trick.  My mom and Lucy came to cheer me on at mile 11 and my playlist was just right.  Truthfully after the run  I felt a little stunned, I'd just run 20 miles and it felt great!

Later I read this Facebook post from my aunt....

We can't change the past- but we can gather up
its lessons and move on, stronger and wiser.
We can't control the future-but we can send our dreams 
ahead of us, to help prepare the way.
We can live each moment, heart and soul, and cherish this days'
greatist gift---the gift of now.

This poem was written by my cousin Antoinette, who would have been 44 today.  She passed away last year.  I'm certain (and you'd be too if you knew her, she really knew the meaning of giving to others) that she orchestrated every part of that run.  Training for a marathon has been a dream of mine that I kept pushing off, thinking someday in the future would be a better time.  I thought it'd be selfish to spend so much time running, that I'd never be able to do it, that making time for it would be impossible.  And then late last fall I realized I didn't want to be that person who always puts things off, thinking another time will be a better time.  The person who uses other people or commitments as an excuse not to pursue their own desires.  I can't say it better than Antoinette already has, I had to accept the gift of now and do it.   
Happy Birthday Antoinette!  And thank you...I imagine knowing you, you gathered up everybody and sent your love through those gorgeous rays of sun.  I'm gonna need you guys again on April 6th.  xoxo

The girls clean up after dinner most nights.  It's a real work in progress....I keep telling myself that even though it takes at least twice as long as when I do it and the results are less than perfect, this is important stuff I'm teaching them.  Or is me that this is helping, you know that  whole prayer for patience thing?  Anyway,  last night Eleanor said she had a gift for me.  The girls packaged up some leftover spaghetti for me to have for lunch " so all you have to do is put it in the microwave!".  Love!

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